CEO Scott Cooper has spent most of his online blogging career boasting everything Miami has to offer. Miami is known as an international party city, full of various mingling cultures and an exciting nightlife. However, there is also a very dark and dirty side to Miami that gets less press than it should. This part is the Miami sex tourism industry.
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Scott Cooper: What is Sex Tourism?
Sex tourism is the traveling to another area to engage in sexual activities, explains Scott Cooper. This includes strip clubs, fetish dungeons and other kooky events. However, this is the tame side of it all. The negative side of sex tourism is prostitution, human trafficking, drugs, and other crimes that riddle these sex destinations.
Human Trafficking and Sex Tourism
Human trafficking is the illegal transportation of individuals from one area to another for the purpose of forced labor, including sexual exploitation AKA prostitution. It happens around the world, everyday, and is one of the most serious human rights crimes occurring internationally. A major misconception is the idea that trafficking happens across international boarders. In reality, trafficking also happens within small towns. It starts by pimps recruiting and grooming individuals, most of which are females.
Miami Sex Trafficking
Although many people think of places like Amsterdam where prostitution is legal when they hear “Sex Tourism”, Miami is also a popular area for sex tourism. Miami’s Human Trafficking Unit reports over 50% of sex victims in the United States are under the age of 18. Additionally, 40% of victims in the Miami-Dade area are minors. Most of these victims are female. A specific case occurred in 2015. Tropical Adult Vacation, a sex tourism business run out of Fort Myers charged with promoting prostitution in 2015.
Why is Sex Tourism an Issue?
When you think of the more “tame” aspects of sex tourism, such as strip clubs and swinger events, of course there is not much of an issue. After all, Miami is party city and things like strip clubs just attract more tourists. But there is a big issue endangering individuals who live and visit Miami. Sexually transmitted diseases are high. Locals and tourists are at risk for being groomed and trafficked themselves. Trafficked victims are given drugs to make them dependent on their pimps and beaten if they do not obey.
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